• Service Location Planner

    The Service Location Planner is a simple tool to plan where and when services will be offered — within a learning space or virtually. For instance, where will in-depth research consultations take place, during what hours? The tool is fundamentally a table with locations as columns and services as rows. It can be filled out individually as a spreadsheet or completed in more of a workshop setting; for example, using sticky notes in specific locations to indicate where a service is offered and using color-coding to indicate when. Institutions can begin the process by brainstorming a list of their current and future services then organizing them by locations; for instance, determining which options will be offered at a service desk versus those which will be supported virtually via email, phone, and instant messaging. This can be completed internally, with service partners, and/or design team members and will be an iterative process, refining the table overtime. The resulting table will help ensure that space, technology, and furniture enable the delivery of services. It can also serve as the basis for resource planning in terms of staffing, shifts, and skills.

    Example and Tool

    Service Location Planner Example – Downloadable Example (PDF)

    Service Location Planner Example – Editable template for your use. Please download as MS Excel file or log-in to your Google docs account to ‘Make a copy’ and edit directly.

    Example Service Location Planner

    Example Service Location Planner