• Getting Started

    The Learning Space Toolkit is a free resource for anyone involved in the development of technology-rich informal learning spaces. Synthesizing lessons from research and real-world experience, the Toolkit helps to answer the many questions an organization will face while creating an innovative and effective space, whether it’s a small study room or an entire building.

    Whether you’re a librarian, architect, administrator or facility manager, you can use the toolkit to plan, evaluate and support your new space. Each of the Toolkit’s six sections focuses on a different aspect of designing and implementing a learning space. Within those six sections, you’ll find detailed discussion of that aspect, as well as related tools and resources.

    Depending on the nature of your interest in using this Toolkit, you may choose to utilize the toolkit materials in a different way and at a different entry point. Below are some use-case scenarios the Learning Space Toolkit team considered in development.

    Use-scenario 1
    Use-scenario 2a
    Use-scenario 2b
    Comprehensive use


    To use as a comprehensive guide in planning large-scale new-build projects.


    Based on all resources available in the Toolkit, users can build a customized process and follow the recommended steps in completing the project.


    A complete package of output that outlines the concept of the space, services and technology requirements of the project.

    Next steps:

    Involve the consultants and designers along the process of study earlier.
    Use outputs as vehicle to communicate the concept to specialist consultants and designers for implementation.

    Free-style use


    To use as a supplemental resource, building on top of the regular process the institution walks through in planning capital projects.


    Review the resources in each section of the toolkit and selectively use and adapt materials as necessary.


    Individual components of the tools/activities available in the toolkit can help inform key decisions of projects (e.g. Service blueprint used as means to help drive the planning process on revising the service model).

    Next steps:

    Inform project team as supplemental measurements that helps guide making key decisions.

    Casual browsing


    Exploring latest trends and better-understanding the steps involved in successfully implementing good learning spaces.


    Use the investigative and exploratory toolkit components available to help envision future learning spaces (e.g. Use space browser to study current trends and exemplary projects, use budgeting tool to do a preliminary study on estimated costs for a project).


    Varies based on specific purpose: eg. ServicePlot as means to understand direction of transformation in service model, Space Budgeting Tool Spreadsheet as means to estimate funding for potential project.

    Next steps:

    Launch formal study to build case for project or feasibility study.