• Technology Design Process

    Technology Design Process
    The technology design tools offered in this section include:
    • Technology Vision Presentation for crafting the vision and preparing a pitch that is adaptable to different audiences and purposes throughout the project
    • Technology Program to bring the vision into a more concrete form by creating a technology plan and reference architecture to give direction on how the vision will be achieved
    • Technology Requirements that will be used to specify how each space should function and what technologies will be put into each space. These documents are ultimately used to develop the purchasing list
    • Role of Technologist for understanding the role of the technologist over the course of the project
    • Engaging Technology Partners for gaining an understanding of the wide variety of stakeholders who become invested at different phases of the project, what role they play, and how best to engage them
    • Lifecycle Strategy Tool for working towards a balanced portfolio by getting beyond the day-one purchase costs to analyze the support and long-term implications of the decisions made in developing the requirements


    Each of the deliverables described in the sections above get created at key moments in the overall project timeline and dovetail with complementary processes in needs assessment, building design/construction, service design, and final integration. Refer to the project phases roadmap to see how these elements align with each other. Each of your five key instruments (presentation, technology plan, reference architecture, technology requirements, and technology matrix) are living documents. You’ll find yourself constantly returning to them, refining them, evolving them for the next phase of the project.