• Photo Interviews: Examples

    Example Questions for Photo Interview Project Focused On Use and Perception of Existing Spaces

    ITEMS/PHOTOS: Within DH Hill Library, take a photo of the following. If you’d like to take more than one picture for any given number, that’s ok. If you don’t have an answer for any given item, that’s ok. You don’t have to have a photo of something that you feel doesn’t apply to you.

    1. Something you like about the library
    2. Your favorite thing about the library
    3. Somewhere you like to get work done or study
    4. Somewhere you don’t like to get work done or study
    5. Somewhere you would meet with a group
    6. Something you would change
    7. Furniture you like
    8. Furniture you don’t like
    9. Something that “works” well
    10. Something that doesn’t “work” well
    11. Technology that you like
    12. Technology that you use often

    Example Questions for Photo Interview Project Focused On Learning More About Student Behaviors and Preferences*

    1. The things you always carry with you when you’re on campus
    2. A place where you feel welcomed
    3. Your communication devices
    4. Tools you use for assignments
    5. Your favorite place to study
    6. Your favorite part of the day
    7. Something you wish you had known about as a new student
    8. Where you like to go for a drink or a snack
    9. How you keep track of your school work and other activities
    10. A place in the library where you feel lost or frustrated
    11. A comfortable place where you go to relax with friends
    12. Something you think is a problem in the library
    13. Something about the library that works well

    * Inspired by Foster, N., & Gibbons, S. (Eds.). (2007). Studying students: The Undergraduate Research Project at the University of Rochester. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries.